Microlife AFIB Technology


Microlife AFIB is the world's only, medically proven technology for blood pressure devices that detects dangerous Atrial fibrillation (AFib). The high degree of accuracy has been proven several times in clinical trials and has been recommended by international specialists and physicians.


The majority of the available blood pressure devices allow blood pressure measurements to be applied simultaneously to irregular heartbeats and arrhythmias. However, this does not distinguish between the different types of arrhythmias.

Microlife blood pressure monitors with implemented AFIB Technology allow patients to be screened for Atrial fibrillation during blood pressure measurements at home. An algorithm calculates the irregularity index, which is the standard deviation divided by mean based on interval times between heartbeats. If AFib is detected during blood pressure measurements, the AFIB symbol is displayed. Microlife AFIB does not make a diagnosis, but provides important information for your doctor, who can refer you for a 12-lead ECG to confirm the presence of AFib.

A systematic review of all clinical evidence to the Microlife AFIB detector [1] showed that the highest sensitivity value (97%) is obtained when three sequential blood pressure measurements were performed with two or three AFib positive readings. The highest specificity value (89%) is obtained when with three sequential measurements, of which all three must be AFib positive. For this reason the Microlife blood pressure monitors with AFIB technology automatically measure three times.


The Microlife AFIB detection system has convincingly proven its accuracy, and showed that it leads to increased detection of new patients with AFib when used in general clinical practice. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in United Kingdom officially recommends using Microlife WatchBP Home A during routine blood pressure measurement for all general practitioners in UK. [2]

  • “The available evidence suggests that the device reliably detects atrial fibrillation and may increase the rate of detection when used in primary care.”
  • “WatchBP Home A should be considered for use in people with suspected hypertension and those being screened or monitored for hypertension, in primary care.”
  • Prevention of 2,000 strokes per year in the UK (81 per 100,000 patients screened aged 65 - 75 years and 182 per 100,000 patients aged 75 years and older).
  • Healthcare cost savings of € 31 million a year.

1. Verberk WJ, Omboni S, Kollias A, Stergiou GS: Screening for atrial fibrillation with automated blood pressure measurement: Research evidence and practice recommendations. Int J Cardiol 2016; 203:465-473.
2. NICE: WatchBP Home A for opportunistically detecting atrial fibrillation during diagnosis and monitoring of hypertension http://guidance.nice.org.uk/MTG13. 2013; Assessed 18 Aug. 2015.
3. AFIB technology[EB/OL]. https://www.microlife.com/technologies/blood-pressure/afib-technology.